作者:  日期:2015-06-14  来源:  点击:




  一个老师叫来一个男生,男生的writing skill很好,老师希望他来教其他学生,男生说他不是英语专业的,不知道能不能胜任,老师说别担心,之前会有培训,它需要听其他老师的课,而且第一次上课的时候会有老师监督指导(这里有题)。然后说了一个人名,如果有问题,可以和那个人沟通。有道题说男生为什么提到他学生物的。一直在他不知道说自己够不够资格,和上指导课时有试验。







  1. 好像是fission理论,地球甩出去的一部分,但什么速度很慢,所以不能

  2. capture理论,可以解释为什么月球地球成分不一样的,之后提到缺点

  3. 讲debris impact理论。好像提到了月球的iron少,所以是在地球形成之后什么什么的,有题好像是问iron少说明了什么。




  第二方面说,因为婴儿在三个月左右才能有ability to control舌头啥的,所以很难判断他们是否学会了。于是介绍了一个啥东西XX,说的每种不同语言和不同的人说出来的都不同。于是作实验分别研究了一个向上扬的音调和一个向下扬的音调,发现baby的哭声和他们所在的上扬下降的音调其实是一样的。




第一篇:the Rise and Fall of Chaco Phenomenon

  考生回忆:大约11世纪的时候,在某个canyon出现了大量的great houses,后来停止了建造,然后在13世纪的时候被遗弃了。建造这种house很费木材和人力,需要collective work。它所在的位置如今是很干很恶劣的地方,于是17世纪的人们推测这个地方是从前是个绿洲,不然的话人们是不会过来盖房子的。后来因为过度砍伐导致生态环境严重恶化所以被遗弃。后来在19世纪的时候,人们又有新的证据证明此处其实其实从来没有过森林,所以树木一定是从远处运输过来,同时建筑学家研究发现这些houses处在一个网状结构的中心,可能是一个regional center,同时周围有居民的房子,又发现了一些遗迹和遗留的器皿,所以推断这些house是一个非常重要的labor community,同时又很重要的宗教用途。地质学研究发现在那段时间大量的水资源存在于那个地方,宗教用途的推断受到质疑。研究者认为可能是因为这个地方很适宜发展农业,所以人们才迁移过来。



  Integrated Writing:



Yellow-legged Mountain Frog近40,50年下降的原因


nonnative trout; 这种观赏鱼的引入使frog减少


chemical pesticide: 农田里pesticide水道里的水杀死了frogs


有一种fungal disease会破坏frog的skin,从而使得其数量下降。

不是所有的frog都受fungal disease的影响。frog的皮肤会产生保护性化学物质,不受这种diaease的影响


  Independent Writing:

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.


Task 1

  Which of the following activities would you like to do on a weekend afternoon? Doing exercise, watching TV, or spending some time with families.

  Task 2

  Do you agree or disagree with the statement that young people should learn how to draw and paint.

  Task 3

  The school is going to offer theatre majors an off-campus field trip to see some real play performances in order to help students better understand what they learned at school, and the students will need to pay $35 for the trip.

  The man agrees with this plan. First, he thinks students can’t understand the plays only by reading the book. Seeing real plays will deepen their understanding. Second, $35 is worth paying because they’ll be able to see three plays. Plus the school will pay for the transportation.

  Task 4

  The professor talks about ecosystem resilience. For example, coral reefs live in the Pacific Ocean where a kind of fish is extinct because of the pollution. This kind of fish used to feel on algae, so now the amount of algae increased enormously, covering the space where the reefs lived. But then other fish also feed on algae, and because of the increased amount of algae, the population of those fish also increased. Soon enough, the amount of algae decreased, which led to the increase in the coral reefs’ population.

  Task 5

  The woman’s problem is that someone is supposed to come to her apartment and install the internet connection, but she waited the whole afternoon and the guy didn’t show up. She has to reschedule the installation to tomorrow, but she has a movie to see then and needs the internet to do research for her assignment tomorrow afternoon.

  Solution 1: She can ask her roommate to wait for the guy. She can then go see the movie, but her roommate plans to study tomorrow. Although her roommate can cancel the plan, she will feel guilty.

  Solution 2: She can cancel the movie plan, but she doesn’t want to lose the opportunity to hang out with her friend.

  Task 6

  The professor talks about two reasons why ancient people observed stars.

  The first is agriculture. Some stars only appeared at certain time of the year, so their appearance could help farmers predict when to plow. Like ancient Egyptians decided when to plow when they saw a star which only appeared in summer.

  The second is navigation. For example, Vikings used the locations of certain stars to determine the direction when they were sailing.

上一篇:烤鸭们注意了!托福考试注意事项!内部高能。祝成功  下一篇:2015年3月07日托福考试机经
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